We appreciate your visit to our website.
The use of this website represents the acceptance of the following Terms and Conditions.
Accuracy, integrity and timeliness of information
Although all the means at our disposal are used to guarantee the integrity of the information, we do not, under any circumstances, assume responsibility if the information provided is not accurate or complete.
Any modification you make to the content made available on this website will be made at your own risk and, therefore, you are responsible for such changes.
Data transmission
Any content or communication of non-personal data that you send to us via e-mail or any other medium, containing data, questions, comments, suggestions or the like will be treated as non-confidential data and without ownership rights.
All information you send us or put on our website becomes the property of atecna.pt and can be used in any circumstance, including the dissemination, reproduction, transmission, publication, diffusion and placement of content on the web. Atecna.pt is totally free to use, for any purpose that it considers opportune (including, but not limited to, product development, production, advertising and marketing), ideas, creative works, inventions, development, suggestions, and concepts in presence of any communication you send us.
The use of these contents is exempt from monetary compensation to the party that provided the information.
When submitting information on the atecna.pt website, you ensure that both its contents are your responsibility and not defamatory, and that Atecna's use of that information will not violate any third-party rights, nor the applicable legislation. Atecna is not obliged to use the information provided.
Intellectual Property Rights
All copyright and other intellectual property rights inherent in texts, images and other content in general, shared on this website, are owned by Atecna or used by Atecna with the authorization of the respective owner.
You are authorized to browse, reproduce extracts from the contents of this website through printing and to download to a hard disk, for the purpose of dissemination to other individuals. This situation is only permitted under the condition of respecting copyright and other intellectual rights, and provided that a mention is made of the mark described above in those reproductions. Total or partial reproduction of the website for commercial purposes is prohibited, as well as its alteration and incorporation in any other article, publication or website.
No content of this website can be interpreted as granting a license, authorization or right to use any mentioned trademark. The incorrect or abusive use or use of the brand or any other content on this website is expressly prohibited, except as provided in these Terms and Conditions.
Atecna.pt will also use all legal mechanisms to protect and reinforce its intellectual property rights.
Access links to other websites
On the Atecna website you will find access links to other websites outside of atecna.pt, for which we assume no responsibility for its content, accuracy, credibility and functionality. The provision of such links is made in good faith, and atecna.pt cannot be held responsible for any changes made to them.
We advise you to inform yourself and read the legal information and the Privacy Policies of all the websites you visit.
Warranties and Disclaimer
The way you use this website and the contents contained therein is entirely at your own risk and risk.
This website is made available with the contents and information currently contained therein. Atecna does not offer guarantees of any kind, including guarantees or commitments that the content of this website is complete, that access to this page is uninterrupted or error-free, and that it does not contain viruses. It does not guarantee that the website is safe and that any advice or opinion from Atecna, acquired through this website is completely reliable, so atecna.pt does not assume any commitment or guarantee on the aspects mentioned above.
It is important to keep in mind that, in some jurisdictions, exclusions of implied warranties may not be permitted, so some of these exclusions may not apply to you.
Atecna reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to restrict, suspend and / or cancel access to the website or part of it and any functionality present on this page.
Atecna and / or any other entity involved in the process of creating, producing and developing this website, will not be responsible, under any circumstances, for direct and / or indirect, incidental, property and / or property damage, for emergent damages and / or loss of profits, or any other damages and / or costs, resulting from your access, use or inability to use, from altering the content of this website, from any other website you access through a link on this website, caused by any measure that we can adopt, or fail to adopt, as a result of an electronic message that you may have sent us.
Atecna does not assume any type of responsibility for losses and / or damages suffered caused by viruses that may affect your computer or mobile device, as a result of accessing, using or downloading content from this website.
If you choose to download content from this website, you will do so at your own risk.
The user hereby declares that he / she strictly waives the submission of any complaint against Atecna and its responsible parties, which may result from the use or access to this website.
Prohibited Activities
Any activities that are considered by Atecna to be inappropriate and / or that are likely to be illegal under the legislation applicable to this website are prohibited, including, but not limited to:
Any act that may consist of a breach of privacy (including sending private information to this website without the consent of the person concerned) or any other legal rights of individuals;
Use this website to defame and / or insult Atecna, its employees, or other natural and / or legal persons, or act in a way that discredits the reputation of atecna.pt.
Upload files containing viruses that may cause damage to Atecna's property or the property of individuals to this website.
Place or transmit to this website any unauthorized content, including, but not limited to, content that causes, in our understanding, damage or loss, or that violates the security systems of atecna.pt or third parties, content that are defamatory, racist, obscene, threatening, pornographic content or that present content that could be qualified as illegal in general.
Jurisdiction and applicable legislation
The content and information of atecna.pt contained in this website are made available only to users in Portugal. Atecna.pt does not assume that this content and information is appropriate or available in other countries.
The user of this page and atecna.pt accept without reservation that any dispute or litigation resulting from the use of this website will be governed by Portuguese law, being considered as competent, with express waiver of any other, the jurisdiction of the district of Lisbon, Portugal.
In the event of a dispute, under the terms of Law No. 144/2015 of 8 September, the consumer may resort to the following Alternative Dispute Resolution Entities (RAL): - CNIACC - National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Disputes Consumption; - Center for Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts in Lisbon. All information and contacts are available on the Consumer Portal at www.consumidor.pt.
Atecna uses search technology through Cookies. Atecna's policy on the use of cookies is defined in the atecna.pt Privacy Policy.
To clarify any question related to the present terms and conditions of use of the Atecna website, the user must contact us via email or phone, both of which are present on the contact page of atecna.pt.
Legal Updates
We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions. Please visit this page regularly to review the information on the website and any new information.
These Terms and Conditions were revised and updated in January 2021.